In the summer of 2021, SNFPHI summer grantee and Ph.D. student in Classics Cat Lambert is developing “Ex Libris: A Classics Zine Initiative,” which brings students together to explore and critically reflect on the potential of zines to enable different engagements with and approaches to Classics. Participants will experiment with making zines that explore the contemporary (personal, political, and/or social) significance of any aspect of antiquity and/or its reception, that (re)narrate myths from contemporary and embodied points of view, and/or that imagine the transformation of any aspect of the discipline. As part of the process, participants will reflect on the following questions: how might zine making reinvigorate the field of Classics with new perspectives, epistemologies, and narratives? How might the DIY, and often collaborative nature of the zine mobilize a new set of aesthetics and document creative, intellectual production beyond mainstream Classics? How might zines as low-budget, self-published, and locally circulating media foster networks of support for communities that are marginalized by and within the discipline?